Our Expertise
Dealing with any criminal law matter can be very stressful. We can help with understanding the nature of the charges, the court process, the plea options available to you and negotiate prior to attending court to get the best possible outcome for you. We will represent you for Criminal Law matters in the Magistrates Court, District Court and The Supreme Court of Queensland. We have expertise in all aspects of criminal law including:
- Drug related offences
- Assault
- Domestic Violence matters
- Bail applications
- Traffic and drink /drug driving
- Sex related matters
When relationships break down it can be a time of emotional upheaval and financial worry especially if you have children. We are here to assist you to resolve your issues without going to Court and reach an amicable and just resolution. If this is not possible, we will guide you through the Court process and represent your best interests.
- Separation & Divorce
- Parenting matters
- Property Settlement
- De Facto relationship issues
Having a valid Will that expresses your wishes about how your estate is shared by your loved ones after you are deceased can bring you peace of mind. It is important that your Will is reviewed as your life changes, for example if you get married, divorced or have children.